Friday, December 17, 2010


(o^-')b 自己紹介をさせて下さいー


4 月から
にもなりますー σ(^_^;)



それぐらいかな?? みんなコメントよろしく~

My Japanese name is Rikki 「リッキ」, since I hope to live and work in Japan... and my real name isn't the most flattering when translated... (「穴」のような名前です...。)... Please don't be surprised if I end up changing my name again... I'm half Asian, and I've been studying Japanese for one full year in the Pacific, and on and off since then. I pick it up now with every intention of becoming fluent one day! After/during college, I hope to move to Japan and teach under an ESL program (中学校|高校). But if that doesn't work out, I still hope to live and work in Japan.
What first got me interested in Japan was anime... and although―for the most part―I've grown out of it, I still watch (and read manga) when I feel especially down. My ♥s right now are jdramas, jpop and kpop, and Japanese fashion. I'm a big fan of fashion inspirations; Ena Matsumoto, Chikako Watanabe and others from ViVi. Aside from that, I have a very inconsistent taste in movies, I look horrible in 99% of all pictures, I do occasional CG painting commissions, I write ラブラブ(笑)novels in my free time, and finally―I look extremely young and short for my age.

Last but not least—小栗♥旬 loves me... he just doesn't know yet... (笑)
:*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:


WORD TO THE CROWD: Is blogspot emoteless? Emotedeprived?
rikki...undergoing an emotedraught. 

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