Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to my HAPPY HOUR。

Studying Japanese―I know that it can be very difficult learning something new without having anyone to help guide you through it. I found myself scrolling through blog after blog; video after video―hoping to find someone to relate to. Someone with more skill than I had. And although I found tons of people who spilled their hearts out, encouraging people on, I could never see where it all began. I couldn't see their improvement, and I wondered if maybe they were embarrassed. Maybe it was already too late.

And SO. I decided to make a blog. I realized that I wanted to see people improve to inspire myself to go on, and so I'm hoping to inspire some of you thirty pages later.
I want to tell all of you every detail of my trip, and my learning experience over the next year/s―from the books I read to the mechanical pencils I use―and I also want the opportunity to look back and see how far I've come.

Welcome to my journey.
Welcome to my HAPPY HOUR. (^ヮ^)メ


  1. 新しいブログをし始めておめでとう!^^

  2. @りんちゃん;; ありがとう!!これは最初のブログです~ 
