Tuesday, November 2, 2010



HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!! Sorry it's taken me soo long to write... I actually, originally, wrote this post on Halloween afternoon! Anyways―I've been stressing lately, and becoming more and more impatient to get on that one-way-ticket fight.(泣)It's way too early to get into a rant on Asian discrimination right now (...when I still haven't put any thought into a creepo-introduction post yet...) but you can expect it at this point!
Anyways, I'm hoping everyone had a good Halloween! I spent mine finishing up homework, shopping online for a new table, and doing a little college research... I wasn't able to see any cute little kids on our porch,.. but our houses' sudden success in candy-handouts could be possibly due to my loud FIFA Korean music echoing off the walls.
Well, that's all for today (itsverylatelatelate)~ I hope I'll be able to type up a quickie introduction post later tomorrow...

yours;; a girl who cannot find ANY fall fashions in this country......rikki.


  1. りきちゃん!あの服ほしい!Ena Matumoto is REALLY popular in japan.(Check my favorite Jun Hasegawa everyone!) >< Ena Matumoto wears so much make-up...but she looks good in it! Piscut!! I just look EMO....I'm wondering what she puts on to make it not melt away because of the heat in Japan.....LOL So,cute outfits. It's your style~

    P.S I'm working on our STATIONARY...LOL

  2. Happy Halloween Rikki!
    I spent Halloween doing schoolwork...
    A lot of my classes' teacher's handed out candy...all chocolate, and I'm one of the few people who doesn't like chocolate (except white chocolate, but the FDA says that's technically not even chocolate) but I thanked them anyway.
    Oh well, it's likely better for my health if I don't have candy...

    I'm sorry you're being discriminated against...
    Some people are just jerks, ignore them if you can.

  3. OMG thoose r soooo cute! I luv the piks!

    1. Ena Matsumoto (EMODA) is my favorite model...♥ I'll probably post more of her pictures and cords if I ever get into fashion a bit more. I'm getting into knits and 'clean style' recently though.
