Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I'm sure I've lost half of my readers by this post. . . so I only have 1 now? (LOL.) Anyways, a lot of things have changed since my last post. I'd like to talk a little about it.

Much sabishii all around―I will not be traveling to Japan with my 親友。Instead, I will be traveling to Japan with my school as a tour group around a few major cities we wouldn't have thought to hit. Although, next summer, we hope to make another trip. But for now, I'm going to kick back, and watch the オタク run in circles.
On the road, I'll be smuggling laptops, so I'll keep you all updated. A good friend of mine will also be coming on this trip―before he leaves for the airforce―and will write several blogs for you on the journey. After this trip, I won't see him for a reeeally long time, but you can always read them here on HAPPY HOUR.
We'll post lots of pictures!

Until soon,
Toasted Skin Syndrome endangers future advertising slogans worldwide!?
Will the Laptop's long standing busy-body, on-the-go image soon convert to a solitary confinement to your office Tabletop? And WHAT ON EARTH IS A iPAD? OMG GTFO.


  1. Sorry to hear about that...Japan is still Japan though, so it could be worse.

    Hmm, interesting syndrome, I don't like working on laptops (small screen, small keyboard=lots of typos and fumbling, plus desktops handle Photoshop's memory hogging better) but couldn't people just place a cloth or something between themselves and the laptop?

  2. Hey Riki!It`s セリ!
    We will still travel together K?
    I promise!!(v^ー°)
    But you can still travel around and get the feeling of Japan.It won‘t be a negative experience. You`ll still have an awsome trip. You can learn about Japanese culture on that trip, and with us you can learn the PARTY SIDE and lots of Lina style PURIKURA ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ LOL

  3. LOLOLOL u r sooooo funnie! OMG
