Friday, December 17, 2010

xmas hopes for the future ♥

So a lot of exciting things have been happening recently!! ☆

AND, winter break started today!! やった★! (This little work of trash was made in my art-period party... Which was actually really fun, and I'm glad I showed up!)
FYI・tis a clover. Word.
Currently my dreams are centered around experiencing college in Japan. I've been thinking seriously about teaching English in Japan as a career, and when talking to my Japan tour-director/teacher about this (who actually just came back from teaching in Japan) he recommended the JET programme without a moment's hesitation. So far, I love JET and all its gains, and my teacher even offered coaching for the interview once I've graduated. All I have to do now is to keep studying!!!
Another exciting thing happened yesterday, when I was selected to teach Japanese to the students at my school's Japan Club!!! (Which I like to call、オタク・クラブ...) Thanks to being recommended by my teacher, I will be teaching basic Japanese conversation as well as writing and pronunciation basics! I'm so excited! This will be my first experience in actual class-teaching, so I couldn't of been more happy when my name was called!! SITTING THROUGH 1 COSPLAY LESSON TO THE NEXT ACTUALLY PAID OFF!! WTF.
Anyways, thank you for reading, and if you could offer any advice in Studying Abroad (Japan), or a reasonable Japanese college to consider for my last year/s of college―they would be unbelievably appreciated!!! Thank you for reading everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!! (I'll try to keep writing during the long break!)

ありがとう 皆~。


  1. LOL OMG yur spellin is sooooo baed. It's "career" nt carrier.

    1. Pshhh. Actually, I'd like to teach English in Japan as a carrier... where I will carry my male students back and forth from my house to the school each morning... ;) LOL. Thanks for catching my mistakes, you creamie bagel---May! ♥
