Saturday, January 1, 2011


2011年  あけおめぇ~
Happy New Year everyone!!! Because of all the wonderful things that are waiting for me this year, I hope to change myself so that I can feel worthy of all of it. To become a better person. A person who can look in a mirror, and smile. A genuine smile is what I hope to discover this year. 一生懸命頑張る!

New Years Resolutions~ (新年の誓いたてた?)
  • To be kinder to those who've been nothing but kind to me.
  • Study more, and harder to achieve the dreams I hope to live someday.
  •  Most importantly; to save my face, live with absolutely no regrets, and discover my genuine smile.
 Sushi will turn me vegan someday...
A few wednesdays ago,  my friends took me out shopping―kicked off by a nice, small dinner at a sushi restaurant downtown. I had a great time, and I managed to finish my xmas shopping!
My outfit...
 We saw this on the way from the parking lot... (笑) We all laughed~

While I was looking for an old letter I received from a would-be pen-pal in Japan, I found my old (Chinese...) 'pochibukuro.' Because I'm no longer a kid (>_<), I don't receive these anymore. But, when I was younger, my mum used to give these to me with some small change inside. This is a common Japanese custom that can, obviously, be found in many other countries located within Asia.

Shady men, neon lights, bustling traffic, and... 
...China Town...
My grandmother came to spend xmas with us, and―(what a small town girl wouldn't give to see a bustling city again?!)―I volunteered to go on the long road trip and take her home. My dad took me to China Town (my 2nd time), and I went on a huuge shopping spree! We also enjoyed some coffee and hot chocolate at a (strictly) Chinese bakery. It's always fun to throw your parents into your lifestyle, and sit back and watch. I recommend it, haha! My mum might of been right at home, but my dad? A slightly redheaded Irish man, surrounded by old, loud Chinese men. I had to swallow my laughs half the time!
A few of the highlights... ($_<)
My first Japanese book... that I didn't have to borrow...
This book is called 「瞬 またたき」。 I bought the movie, purse carry-on copy. I was actually in the Chinese section of the book store, by mistake, so I was flipping through a few books in the displays hoping to find a Japanese one. I found about 12, but most of them where economy averages and "frequent questions about my puppy." WTF ARE YOU PEOPLE READING?!! This one looked like the only one I might be interested in reading!... Mainly because the guy on the cover looked like 岡田将生。 (*3*) I got home yesterday, and looked it up today (I would of looked it up yesterday, but I fell asleep trying to decide whether or not Brad Pitt deserved the criticism in Troy... Yes. I spent my New Year's Eve watching Troy... I really hope I can find a good boyfriend this year...)! Turns out it WAS 岡田将生 (きゃぁぁぁ~!), and there's a movie based on this book!! I'm so excited to watch it (I think K did the soundtrack, which is really exciting), but I want to finish this thing first... (>_<); Anyway, so far I like it! The story is really touching! I really want to recommend it! 
Anyways, as always, thank you for reading! I hope we make this year so much better than the last, and fill it with so many new ways to smile. Never let anyone stand in the way of something you love. Sometimes, we need to put ourselves first, even for just a moment. Happy New Years everyone!!!
***Also, I was accused of wishing to be Japanese a few weeks ago. I just wanted to clarify that it might of been nicer, and more convenient that way―but I'm so proud of what I am inside. Half Irish, half Filipino is the only way I'd want to be, and I wouldn't give up my parents for all the Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies IN THE WORLD. I know that I might not of convinced this person, and there will be more to come... but this is how I truly feel. I hope that living in Japan will put an end to this someday... that doesn't make much sense, but I feel as though it's the only way.


  1. hey Rikki! This is Seri. I love the pictures you took at our sushi trip. I looks really cool. Expecialy the lights and the Touhoushinki sumi letters. > < I look really pale in the picture with Phil..haha hey, could I borrow the book Matataki after your finished? I really want to read it~(o3<)/

  2. hey Rikki this is JayPark!!........
    puhaha~! no this is Matthew Park. your blog is really cool. like the pictures and also your writings. I support your dream and the new year resolutions. happy 2011! I had a successful interview today and just got the job.
    (*.*)/ YAHO!!!!!!

  3. @セリ;; ... Wait a second, I don't care about your comment at all... KIDDING. Thank you! I have a really, really bad camera so I'm really surprised the pictures came out so well!!! That was so fun, wasn't it? Too bad エリ couldn't come...(笑)
    瞬またたき? Sure, but you know how long it'll take for me to read that thing..? Do you mind waiting?

    Heey Matthew!! Thanks for the comment―I hope you'll keep reading my blog~ I support anything you want to do also, Matthew!!! AND I'M SO GLAD YOU GOT THE JOBBB!!! See, going to a Catholic School has it's pros~

  4. hey rikki! Congradulation on your blog! I heard that a lot of people checked it out. I can send the blog to my friends in japan so u can have more viewers >< and the might even help u with japanese. おめでとう~パッティだぜ!(笑)
