Saturday, January 8, 2011

a little bit—a little late...

So, I just realized that I forgot to talk a little about xmas and presents... Presents...
(*ω*);; はじめましょう~ぅ!

Yes. I see the manga too. You're not hallucinating. (*3*)/)
Some of you may know that I was first attracted to Japan because of anime, and all that... but I grew out of it. However, I read manga sometimes, and this one made me laugh and cry where no other book could. (T_T) I couldn't recommend it any higher. I love this story; really. 
Along with that, (I didn't take any pictures, but) I got a bunch of rare DVDs to add to my collection!! やった~!My parents are finally on-board!! Christmas is easier for everyone this way!

Now, the presents I gave my best friends: セリ&エリ。
かわいいねぇ?!!These tofu—keitai holders are really popular in Japan right now! In a lot of the blogs I read, bloggers give these things out like gift cards!!! (Pffft. Giftcards, LOL.) So I thought my friends might like some too! They really seemed to like them, so I'm really glad!!
These are really affordable too—for people traveling to Japan in a few more months—but don't expect to fit a blackberry in them...

Thanks for reading!!! ლ(*౪◟*)
I checked my Stats recently, and I cannot believe how many readers I'm getting and the variety of places you guys come from!!! I'd love to get more feedback, but I'm just happy to have the readers I do have... comment or no comment!! Thanks again everyone! —rikki


  1. Hi Rikki,
    glad to see you got lots of nice presents.^^
    Those keitai holders are really cute gifts for your friends as well.
    The Blackberry seems to fit so well in them!
    I recently got my Dad's old Blackberry, and I'm finding that it makes the perfect Japanese text/dictionary reader~^^ So I'm pretty happy as well.

  2. I loved the tofu cell phone holders~ thanks rikki chan! ^^ dengeki otaku~ lol
    no JK. Every japanese person likes manga too. I think everyone reads them.
