Saturday, February 5, 2011

Goodies from the P.I.~

So, recently, my mum came home from a long trip to Korea and the Philippines! She brought me and my dad a bunch of goods... And I deserved them too! Pizza today, Italian pizza tomorow (wtf?), order-in pizza the next day... I asked for something different from this Emeril, and so he sprinkles my pizza the day after with popcorn butter and shady cheeses... WHY??
This―of course―goes without saying, I'm going to cut pizza out of my diet for a little while...

Anyways, I thought I'd share some pictures, and hopefully extract a few pictures from my mum's camera later on, from Korea and the P.I. (abrv. Philippine Islands).

I love this... ♥
Korean magazines... BIGBANG日本語で~
A gift from my cousin! anime.., like or not, I find this adorable.
Best for last... expensive P.I. fashions... ♥♥♥
Needless to say, I'm extremely jealous (not only of my mum's trip―but also her hair... if you're ever in the Philippines, go to a salon and get a Relaxed Hair treatment! You can't get this anywhere else, but it keeps your hair unconditionally straight and healthy for 1-2 years!! It hurts a little, and takes a while―but it's really worth it. Filipina celebs have some of the best hair in the world because of this!! ~イライラ~). I also really miss my family in the Philippines... So a shout-out goes especially to my Lola (grandma), aunts and uncles, and all my wonderful cousins!!! I love you all, and hope to visit the P.I. someday soon! Thank you for taking care of my mum~
Next post on my very first teaching experience―teaching a class on Japanese to a few interested students in my school~ I'm so thankful... ーリッキ

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