Sunday, February 13, 2011

PreValentines ♥ RANT


This year, I decided to start getting used to making homemade chocolates (ホンメイチョコ)!! However, gradually, I became upset with the way Valentines Day is spent in America!!! And so I decided to share a little bit about the two versions of Valentine's Day in hopes of slowly starting some realization for both cultures! ><

(アメリカで): In America, it's all about couples, and 告白 (or, confessions of love). In my car's radio, I hear all these inescapable advertisements of things you can do with one another after the sun falls... which just makes me want to run over the nearest pedestrian. Friends rarely exchange chocolates, which leaves more and more people feeling lonelier on this day than any other. What's worse, no one makes any homemade chocolate, and when I mention my weekend plans of making some... they stare at me and say, "wait... you can make chocolate? But... why would you want to..? Just go buy some, jeez." And so, the night before, you may just find a large crowd in the grocery stores, buying little pre-made heart shaped boxes. But hey! As a couple, this day must be great... although, this day is primarily a day for girls to receive chocolates. How do they pay their guys back for this? Who knows, but there sure isn't a boy's day in America.

(日本で): In Japan, girls basically make these beautiful homemade chocolates for their friends, family, and perhaps even a young boy they must care a lot about. It's said that homemade chocolates come straight from the heart, and store-bought chocolates indicate that the girl considers herself above the boy... having no time or talent to make her own chocolates. Sometimes, store-bought chocolates aren't even accepted... And so, this is mainly a day for girls to give boys chocolates. And the next month, on "White Day"―the boys return the girls' hard work by giving each girl, they originally received chocolate from, a gift. Originally, this day was started by a Marshmallow company, and so the traditional gift was marshmallows... well, times have thankfully changed. Boys now give various gifts based on their ages. If you are younger, you may get a box of cookies, but if you're older―he might of bought you a piece of jewelry, or he may be planning to take you out to pick one yourself!

Because of this, White Day has always been one of my favorite holidays... which is why, this year―I went extreme on my chocolates... So, for all of us who are boyfriend/girlfriend-less, or worse―"crush-less" like me... let's do our best! Maybe next year, I'll have a wonderful Japanese boyfriend to give my crummy, random, over sprinkled chocolates to!!
If you want to know how I did this, please leave a comment saying so!!
I wish I could give you all at least one!!! >_<
For Valentines Day, I'm not hoping to find my Mr. Right (lol, I'm not even looking). But, if you'd like to "send me a valentine," all I really ask for is some emails! So, email me! Tell me about your Valentines Day! Share some stories! Tell me your problems, and maybe I can help you! I really do hope to hear from everyone!!
I'm so sorry that my first Valentine's Day post has turned into a mad rant... but, writing this makes me feel a little better. I am thankful to have experienced both versions of this day, even if I favor one way more than the other, but I can't say that I haven't enjoyed Valentine's Day in America. Even for just one year, it was nice to have a boyfriend on the steps of my porch, holding a large heart-shaped box, and waiting for his 干物女 to emerge out from her cave, so that he could watch the tomato-color seep into her cheeks as she thanked him. But now, I'd rather deserve it, rather than pray someone would have another heart-shaped box with my name carefully scribbled across it.


  1. It's kind of weird, I always thought of Valentine's Day in the U.S to be a time to celebrate love in all it's forms (including friend love), but I know I'm probably in the minority...Of course, I'm one of the few people in the world who dislike chocolate (except white chocolate, which the FDA says technically isn't even chocolate ^-^;) so maybe I like to downplay the food part of the holiday.

  2. @りんちゃん;; オ~ォ!りん!久しぶりね~ Sometimes, I can share your dislike of chocolate. It's hard for me to think of White Chocolate as not chocolate though! (>_<) I thought they taste very similar!! However, when I gave my friends chocolates this year, people looked at me funny. Maybe it's just age. I still prefer making chocolate!! I hope you had some white chocolates to eat!! (^_^) Sorry about my english today!!! I'm sure you will understand! I'm studying too long and too much. (>_<) I'll be in Japan in a only a few months! 一生懸命頑張る!

  3. Well, about the only non-white chocolate I actually like that I've tried are Brazilian chocolates, and chocolate Pocky, which both, weirdly enough, aren't American. I'm starting to think that there might be something different they put in American chocolate, I know soda tastes different abroad because they put real sugar in it...I don't think I've ever made chocolate, the closest thing I've made are cookies.
    I've been not eating お菓子 for a while now though, fruit just tastes better to me, and gives me a longer sugar high.^^ I hope you had making chocolates! Even though America's Valentine's Day is different from Japan's, I don't think most people would turn down チョコ XD
