Saturday, August 4, 2012


This will be the very last post of HOUR HOUR...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 was the day I first started blogging.
I made so many connections and friends here, and I had a really, genuinely fun time. I was able to inspire people, and I was able to be inspired countless amounts of time. But for several reasons, I lost connection with this blog...:
  • I feel as though this became a Japanese language (learning) blog, rather than the personal blog that I originally wanted to write for myself.
  • I was betrayed by my best friends, and on April 10, 2012―I finally left them. A huge chuck of this blog still contains memories of them that I'd much rather forget completely.
  • I did a little soul-searching during the Summer of 2012. And in a 4-5 month time frame, I matured and grew a lot as a person. I changed, and now―I need to make a lot more changes.
  • Happy Hour's layout is a default layout. The URL hasn't been bought, and I have never used my real name throughout this blog. I feel like this blog has never truly reflected ME. And when people started referring to me as the "Happy Hour" girl, I felt as though they were talking about someone else. I'm generally a positive/optimistic person, but my experiences in Japan won't always be so upbeat and joyful. I need a blog with the freedom to write about the good, and the not so good. I still want to inspire people to learn Japanese, and follow their dreams. But, in order to do so, my readers need to know both the pros and the cons of living life in Japan.

This is really sad for me.

Almost two years now, and Happy Hour has been able to generate 6,638 views. (My first full year of blogging was a ghost town period; with literally no page views. And so 6,638 page views is extremely good in my mind!) Surprisingly so; it seems I still get at least 25-30 page views per day. And considering that my last post was posted over four months ago (on April 10, 2012) those are surprisingly good ratings. I don't quite understand it, but I like to think that there are still people out there waiting for me to write again. And if that's true, I have exciting news for you! I also need your feedback now, more than ever. ♥
   I started a new blog!   

The Little 外人

The Little Gaijin blog layout was actually a gift from my friend Hana! ♥ (Please check out this gorgeous, talented girl's blog!) 

My new blog is a huge improvement in my new life, and is becoming extremely sentimental thanks to Hana. ♥ I'm finally starting to use my real name―despite always hating it in the past. My name finally has a story behind it now, and I'm excited to share that story with you all very soon. 

Lastly!! During the time I first started "The Little Gaijin" blog, I received news that I would be able to transfer to my dream college (Temple University) from my parents. Of course, it wasn't very finalized in that "YOU ARE GOING, FOR SURE" way... until last Monday. ♥

The next chapter of my life...
TOKYO | 2013
You'll see this Little Gaijin in Tokyo next year.

Hey, readers! I need your help, one last time.

I need (an extreme amount of) feedback! 
Please help me by answering the questions below, and submitting your answers to 
this post's comment section, or directly to littlegaijin [@]
  1. What was something that you liked about "HAPPY HOUR", that you would like to see again in "The Little Gaijin" blog?
  2. What is something new that you would like to see in "The Little Gaijin" blog?


  1. Question #1: I liked the parts about your method/way of learning Japanese. It's always interesting to read how other people go about doing it. I'm not sure if it would fit in a more personal-focused blog though...

    Question #2: I can't think of anything in particular at the moment...

    1. Oh no, I definitely want to include a handful amount of more Japanese methods... especially now that I've had the time to perfect them, and start tutoring beginners with those methods in mind. I enjoyed writing those posts, and having them on my blogs... personal blog or not, those posts are coming!! ♥ (They were a HUGE hit too! Didn't DREAM of giving those up!)

      And I don't want my blog to be TOO personal... I just want some wiggle room to write anything and everything. This blog didn't do that very well for me. All I wanted was for my readers to know a little more about who the writer is, you know?

  2. bye bye.. :( Is this really your last decision?
    Ashley | Soccer News

    1. Yeah :( I'm going to miss this blog a lot. But I hope you can also check out my new one! (By the way, "Soccer News" is AMAZING. Bookmarked it so that I can go back and read during my morning coffee. ♥)

  3. hmm, I checked it out already, really cute site and sis, you're really lovely :) God Bless and good luck with the new site..I'll surely check it most of the time to see updates.. :) Thanks for visiting my site also :)
    Ashley | Soccer News

    1. Aw, shucks. ♥ Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! Planning to update "Little Gaijin" very soon (after school starts again, so, mid-September)! Please check it out then! I have a lot of fun things planned for this new blog!!

      Do I know you from somewhere? :0
