Sunday, May 15, 2011


As my senior year of highschool comes to a close, I just wanted to remind myself of all the wonderful things and opportunities I've had this year. Senior year was by far the best year out of all... 12, and I learned so much about myself as a result. This was the year that I decided my future, and regained the things that I've left behind...

senior's favorite outfit ♥
First art show... ><
My highschool sweetheart!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
my personal grad. song... モンキーマジックのsakura♪
This year has been so special to me, and I just wanted to thank everyone for being there for me along the way. I'm always told that there are things that I will never be able to do, and I was able to prove a lot of people wrong. I've had so many regrets, and I don't want to make them anymore.

その涙ずっとずっと忘れないでねーYou must not forget the tears.  


  1. Congrats on graduation! I'm sure college will be loads of fun for you too. ☆彡<3 (^_^)v

  2. Rin~~~thank you, lol!!^^ What was college like for you, in comparison?! ><

  3. 卒業おめでとう!!Congrats On Graduating~!!

  4. アッありがとう~ぅ!^^未来で、よろしくお願いします!!★☆★
