Monday, August 22, 2011


...will be the names of my kids someday. It's decided. Enjoy, kiddies. (FYI; bread and meat..)

U __________U  ごぅーめんなさい!!! ><
 きゃあぁぁあぁぁぁぁぁあああ!! ><
なんかぁーすごく圧倒的な感じ! >< (ಥ__ಥ)b
吃驚したってゆーか…ショックってゆーか…。 (ಠ_ಠ);;
やっと~ぅ日本へ行くよっ!! ♥ (金曜日♪)


楽しかった、けどぅ・・・サプライズ プレゼントダメだよっ ><;;
『だからさあぁ!大丈夫だよー』 ._____.
あぁぁぁぁ!そっー大丈夫じゃない。 ><
 絶対、丈夫じゃないよっ!! (ಥ__ಥ);; バカ達。 
 ...IMMA CRY NOW, OKAY? ♥ (涙)

♥ (ಥ__ಥ);;

For my lovely English speakers ♥, I regret(LOL'd.) to say that I'm getting more confident at blogging in Japanese... so, you can expect more Japanese posts like this one. However, I WILL be keeping my Japanese(school/jobs/language/culture) related journey in English! I will not forget you, but I hope that those currently studying Japanese will use this opportunity to study even more!! Anytime you need help, you can contact me at my email!
If you can't read my Japanese..; I will (FINALLY) be going to Japan at the end of THIS week!!! I'll be in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Nishinomiya, and maybe Okinawa!! My dad is actually coming with me, so, I hope to take this opportunity to convince him how serious I am about Japan. >< But... because both me and my dad can be extremely laid-back―this trip has turned out to be more backpackingly-casual than I expected.. and, I have yet to figure out the pros and cons in this complete, and utter procrastination. ><
As of now; I don't think either of us will be bringing a laptop... so, I'm not sure how I'll be able to update you guys...... or, if I'll even want to be doing that during my trip... LOL. Blunt, but the truth nonetheless. Hopefully, my friends can log on and update you, or... I'll just fill you in day by day when I get back!! But, I PROMISE you―there will be stories. There will be pictures. And there will be PURIKURA. ♥

I just need YOU to pressure my lazy arse when I get back in two weeks.. LOL. 
So, my comments and email inbox better be FLOODED.  
♥ I'm counting on you guys!! ><
One of my goals in writing HAPPY HOUR was to share my journey, and make friends along the way. And so, by having an email associated with this blog, I'd like to get to know my readers more!! I respond to ALL mail, no matter the message, and I am also more than willing to help you with your Japanese―if I can! (I'm still learning, too!!) I'm VERY happy with my page-views, and the unique countries that my readers are from.. (actually... it amazes me)―but, I would like to get to know the people behind the page views, too. 

WOW. Some "in-Japanese-only" post this turned out to be...♥


  1. Ahh~~~Who got you that shirt?! You look so kawaii in it ^^ Just a small present. You worked so hard to learn our language and u deserve it. lol what did we do to you?! Post EVERYDAY ok?! And take lots of pictures and purikura (>30)v
    I can't wait untill u come back (TT)

  2. @セリちゃん;;...。ねっー死にたいのか??(大笑ww) LOL!! But, seriously... you really didn't have to do that!! You realize that I will practically sleep with this shirt like a pillow for the rest of my life, right??! AND, JUST HOW MANY BOIZ WILL I LOSE THAT WAY??!!
    I love you guys soo much, though. U ____U ♥ ♥ Thank you soooo much, and I wish you could've come with me.. >< Imma miss my whale killing rainbow dic2.5s... I'll see you at the airport!!! ♥

    "GOOD GRIEF." ♥ BAM.

  3. へえ、素晴らしいじゃん!日本で写真取りまくってねww

  4. ああ、「撮りまくって」。変換ミスだった。(^_^;)

  5. @りんちゃん;; wwもちろん~ん!!^^ (でも…。たくさん写真ですけど・・・ちょっとーめんどくさいみたいな感じ…ってゆぅー)
