Sunday, January 8, 2012

クリスマスどうだった? (HAUL)

A little late, but―better late then never... right?  (本当に楽しかったよっ!)♥

TONS of soccer ornaments on the tree... ><;
This Christmas was definitely different. ♥
My family went all out this year with the decorations, holiday grub, and―of coursepresents. Perhaps that's because I only have around two white Christmases left? (I doubt Tokyo will have too much snow, and my plan ATM is to move to Hokkaido in about four years..) Well, regardless, I'm just happy with how wonderfully family-oriented my 2011 Christmas turned out. :)

プレセント ♥

perfect gifts from my friends. (I ♥ Shakespeare.)
build-a-bear, Philips regional tolerate DVD player, hello kitty passport holder,
2 hello kitty key-tops, hello kitty jelly beans ♥, "love" scroll,
green oriental parasol for corner-wall decoration.

hello kitty pajama set (gag-gift? LOL.), white chocolates from Lindor,
  Skyrim for PS3, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare ♥, 
Microsoft laptop-case for college.

My family and friends tried to bring a little bit of Japan back to me... through the power of hello kitty. ♥―making this the best Christmas yet! I want to thank everyone involved in making this Christmas so special! Whether it be messages, visits, or the gifts!! Thank you so much! And with the extra money, I bought myself some presents I've been wanting for a while now...

right; Monkey Majik's westview. ♥ (+sendai concert, poster.)
Warning. I lost my sanity watching ラブ★コン。 Seriously.
Viewer discretion advised.

I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC Christmas!!
How did yours go??! let me know in the comments below!
 (Hey! I'm running out of ideas for posts! email//formspring me some fresh ideas??)


  1. Wow, looks like you had a fun Christmas! Love-Com is so awesome (I liked the movie, and really got into the anime and I'm really picky about romance series)!!

    I had part of my presents in November (Got to see Othello in a recreated Elizabethan theater. It was really cool, like most of Shakespeare's works, and reading up on the story before I saw the play was fun, since I wasn't as familiar with the plot of that one.), and the rest were Japanese books I asked for. I got a Japanese youkai dictionary, because I'd always wanted one ^^, a book called 世界の教科書でよむ〈宗教〉which is about what the textbooks of various countries say about religion, and bills itself as a primer on religion, which should be interesting, seeing as Japan is pretty secular by Western standards. I also got 日本語表と裏, because I'm reading the really amusingly written sequel, which is about Japanese word origins, as well as getting a few novels which looked interesting, and another volume of my favorite Japanese book series, キノの旅, and of course I got to spend time with my family, which is always great,and was probably my favorite Christmas "present" LOL.

    Have you seen the latest 紅白? I downloaded it from d-addicts but haven't watched it yet.

  2. Wow! so, you got to see Othello? That was one of my favorites ♥
    It's good that you got what you wanted though!! (I keep eying the Youkai dictionary mention, LOL. I'm anxious to get a new updated dictionary..) ><;

    How long did it take for you to be able read Japanese novels??! I'm too scared to try, but I think I might have finished reading 「瞬またたき」 some time ago.. of course, I read my fair share of Japanese manga, and magazines... but that's just not challenging at all.
    (Yeahh, I saw the last half 紅白2011!! ♥ Did you have a favorite group?? It was really good, but all my favorite groups performed at the beginning...TT)

  3. キティちゃんグッズかわい~<3

  4. @hitomi;; wwコメントありがとうぅ!^^
    Shakespeareの作品 読んだ? ♥
